Our Products

Web Trade Copier
MT4 to mT5
MT4 to MT4
Web trade copier will copy the trades from MT4 to MT5 or other MT4 account. We provide easy, fast and reliable solution to copy all the trades from the MT4 software as we have developed a market leading Forex trading bot.
MT5 to MT4
MT5 to MT5
A simple trade copier for MT5 to MT4 or other MT5 account on the web. We provide easy, fast and reliable solution to copy all the trades from the MT4 software as we have developed a market leading Forex trading bot.
Key Features
- Copy between MT4 and MT5 accounts
- One provider(Master) can copy trades to multi-receiver’s (Clients) accounts.
- One receiver(Client) can copy trades from multi-provider’s(Masters) accounts.
- The receiver’s account can still trade manually or use other EAs without any conflict.
- Fixed lot size option
- Lot Multiplier option available
- Filter the copy orders by order comment and magic number.
- Need to place only in one chart in provider and receivers both
Reverser Scripts
Web based reverser script
It is same as web based copier but it will reverse the trade, instead of buying the trade it will sell it on the web itself.
key Features
- Copy Reverse between MT4 and MT5 accounts
- One provider(Master) can copy trades to multi-receiver’s (Clients) accounts.
- One receiver(Client) can copy trades from multi-provider’s(Masters) accounts.
- The receiver’s account can still trade manually or use other EAs without any conflict.
- Fixed lot size option
- Lot Multiplier option available
- Filter the copy orders by order comment and magic number.
- Need to place only in one chart in provider and receivers both

Telegram to mT4/MT5 - Vice Versa
Telegram to MT4/MT5
It will copy your trades from Telegram bot to your MT4/MT5 software in matter of 10ms as you send the message in linked telegram bot.
MT4/MT5 to Telegram
It will give signal to linked Telegram channel from MT4/MT5 in a matter of 10ms as the new trade is placed in MT4/MT5 software.
News Indicator for mT5
Fastest and most reliable news indicator for MT5
We have developed a news indicator, that displays on the MT5 chart, the date and time of upcoming macroeconomic statistics release affecting the Forex market. It also indicates the country of the publication (currency) and its degree of impact (importance). Our source for the news indicator is forexfactory.com which is considered as the most reliable news indicator for Forex Experts.
Key Features
- It can track any currency you want
- You can filter the impact (High, medium and low).
- It can filter holidays and speaks.
- It can be placed on any corner of the chart.