What is Expert advisor?
Expert Advisor
Expert Advisors (EAs) are programs have been developed in MetaQuotes Language 4/5 (MQL4, MQL5) and used for automation of analytical and trading processes.
Expert Advisors will open and close positions, performs auto Stoploss, TakeProfit and TrailingStops according to strategy set in it.
What is indicator?
An indicator is a mathematical manipulation of a security price and/or volumes aimed at forecasting of future price changes. Indicators can be divided into two groups: trend indicators and oscillators. Trend indicators help to assess the price direction and detect the turn moments synchronously or with a delay. Oscillators allow to find the turning moments ahead or synchronously.
difference between Inbuilt Indicator and Custom indicator?
Indicators are default one which comes with MT4/5 called Inbuilt/default/standard indicator, while custom indicators are made on custom requirements.

What are scripts?
Scripts are programs to be executed only once, on request. A script can fulfill both analytical and trading functions.
What is different between EA and Script?
Expert Advisors work continuously, while scripts work once.